What On Earth!
An informal look at the net zero challenges facing us as a nation. Phil and Jonathan chat with various leaders from academia, technology developers, project developers etc on interesting and challenging topics facing society as we decarbonise our economy. The podcast is sponsored by Apollo.
What On Earth!
OFS in the Energy Transition
In this episode the Over A Barrel team explore what future lies ahead for traditional oilfield service companies whilst we navigate the energy transition journey to low carbon energy sources. We are joined by Derek Mathieson and Gordon Ballard, with between them over 60 years experience in OFS and both former senior executives with large multinational OFS companies. Issues such as over-capacity, technology, global supply chains etc. are discussed in the context of these industry bulwarks, their shrinking balance sheets and declining share prices. Will these companies regain their former glory? Or can we expect new companies and brands to take their place. We enjoy Derek and Gordons insight and candid comments on the topic.