What On Earth!
An informal look at the net zero challenges facing us as a nation. Phil and Jonathan chat with various leaders from academia, technology developers, project developers etc on interesting and challenging topics facing society as we decarbonise our economy. The podcast is sponsored by Apollo.
Podcasting since 2020 • 19 episodes
What On Earth!
Latest Episodes
Transforming Oil and Gas
In this episode we talk to Donna Sutherland from Veri Energy about the challenges and opportunities facing oil and gas. Our focus is on Sullom Voe Terminal (SVT) in the Shetland Isles and the opportunity its unique proximity to legacy oil and g...
Season 2
Episode 3
Asking For Consent
With a bow wave of renewable energy projects either in, or about to enter the planning and consenting process we ask the question of whether the present system is appropriate and robust for the net zero opportunity. Jonathan and Ph...
Season 2
Episode 2
Engineering, Circularity and Sustainability
In the first edition of What On Earth! Phil and Jonathan chatted with Chris McMahon of Bristol University on the challenges of sustainability and a circular economy from an engineering perspective. Can we engineer ourselves...
Season 2
Episode 1
Poultry, Process Optimisation and Performance
Or The Phil Westmorland Interview! Over A Barrel welcomes our new co-host Phil Westmorland. In this episode we understand what makes Phil tick; his background and work at Apollo. We explore what shaped him growing up on a chicken f...
Episode 16
FLOW: Go or No Go (A postcard from FOW23)
A slightly different tack in this episode where Jonathan sends us a “postcard” from FOW2023 in Aberdeen, the exhibition and conference dedicated to floating offshore wind. Hot on the heels of that iconic gathering of Offshore Europe, Jon...
Episode 15