What On Earth!
An informal look at the net zero challenges facing us as a nation. Phil and Jonathan chat with various leaders from academia, technology developers, project developers etc on interesting and challenging topics facing society as we decarbonise our economy. The podcast is sponsored by Apollo.
What On Earth!
Asking For Consent
With a bow wave of renewable energy projects either in, or about to enter the planning and consenting process we ask the question of whether the present system is appropriate and robust for the net zero opportunity. Jonathan and Phil speak with Jadine Berry and Owen Francis from Turley and explore the current system with a net zero lens. What route do projects take through the planning process? Is there an engineering bias by project developers that can over look some of the complexities in stakeholder engagement? When should a project consider the planning and consenting process? How does the process vary between the devolved nations? Listen to this episode and find answers to all these questions and more.